I’m fresh!
I’m fierce!
I’m fabulous!
And I’m fat.

I’m 36 and I gained all this weight sometime in my late 20′s. I’ve made some half-hearted attempts to get it off over the years, but never much stuck with anything. Slim Fast, Atkins, LA Weight Loss, Cabbage Soup, Alli back when it was called Xenical and you could buy it online (that’s an interesting story!)…
As far as some of the more questionable “diets” I tried, yeah, I knew better. Did I do it anyways? Sure. I was looking for that quick fix like everyone else! But now it’s years later and I’ve gained just a little more after every go-round so it’s time to face the music: The quick fix ain’t so quick after all.
This blog is meant to help hold myself accountable for my actions in 2013. I aim to get back to a healthy weight and regain the accompanying energy that I’ve lost somewhere along the way. I’m doing Weight Watchers because in my opinion it is the most nutritionally sound and supportive eating plan for me. I think any variation on journaling and calorie counting would probably be just as effective, but it wouldn’t have the pretty colors, logos, apps, and goodies that I, the consummate consumer, go batshit crazy over!

I will try some other stuff here and there too though and work them into my plan. For example I like meal replacement shakes at breakfast because I wake up to damn early to eat anything else! So I’m always looking to buy or make that magical product.
I welcome you to share in my wins, losses, and draws! I’ll post recipes, review products/foods as I try them, and share any hints, tips, and secrets that I come across. I would love to hear your comments, suggestions, and questions so by all means reach out as you see fit!
-The Rx Ninja